Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas is Canceled-Humbug

 Megan has 18 friends with Omicron and has decided it is better not to expose me to a potential case and Josh and his family were also exposed to someone who came down with Covid a day later on Sunday. So Christmas is canceled here. I just can't take a chance on getting any variant that would delay my radiation so I am quarantining. You can imagine how depressing this is. I may be here all the time or not at all. If not, have a safe Christmas where you are. And be careful!


TracyK said...

I am very sorry to hear this, Patti. I have only just realized how pervasive the Omicron variant has gotten and I am glad you are keeping safe under the circumstances.

Todd Mason said...

Also terribly sorry...hope that videoconferencing or the phone helps a little...

Jeff Meyerson said...

Sorry to hear that (if not totally surprised). The news has made Jackie so paranoid about these things that she was convinced this morning that she had Covid too. She had a couple of COLD symptoms - nasal, etc. - but no sore throat, no fever, no coughing, no loss of taste or smell. But she doesn't want to take any chances this close to Heading South For the Winter, so we are doing take out only, staying away from people, minimizing contacts, etc. She called a CityMD, where the ones that haven't closed have waits of several hours to get tested, and they basically told her to stay home, she doesn't have it, and even if she did, all she can do is drink fluids and take Tylenol and rest.

We'll all get through this - somehow - and probably come out the other side.

George said...

Covid-19, especially the Omicron Variant, has a lot to answer for! I know you were looking forward to a visit from Megan, but you're smart to quarantine so you can receive your treatment. A lot of people will have their Holiday plans disrupted by Omicron which is suddenly everywhere!

JJ Stickney said...

I am so sorry to hear this. But better safe…

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks for the commiseration.

Jerry House said...

To quote the immortal Bullwinkle J. Moose, "Bazzfazz!"

It is a bummer, but Megan, Josh, et al, will be happier to know that you are safe. Think of it as your Christmas present to them.

Despite this setback, may you have dreams of sugar plums. See you on the other side.

Steve A Oerkfitz said...

That's a bummer. Knowing 18 friends with covid is quite a lot. That would cause me to be concerned too.

Margot Kinberg said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear this, Patti! It is so disappointing! Still, as you say, you can't take risks, especially not now. Sending you wishes for peace and health, and a 2022 that's better than 2021 has been!

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks, Margot, Steve, Jerry.

Rick Robinson said...

Oh, Patti, I’m so sad to hear this! You and they are doing the Right Thing. Christmas isn’t canceled, it’s just changed format. Hopefully you can Zoom, call, engage in other ways! Plus, treat yourself to something. They’ll be sad not to see you in person but it’s smart and safe. Hugs.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Thanks, Rick.