Tuesday, November 13, 2018

IN PIECES, Sally Field

This was a well-written book and it covered the early years of Field's life very well. But suddenly, when she is still in her thirties, it begins to rush through the last thirty years as though she had reached a page limit. Or as if her career had ended, which it had certainly not. I am not sure why. Whether she did not have the time to process it. Whether she found it dull. Certainly the first thirty years examines events carefully and with pain. This lady had a lot of hard times. I have read novels where this happened. Where the childhood was what interested the author. But not so much a life. A life in pieces, I guess. Still the writing is wonderful and her humility admirable.


Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting, Patti. And I've always liked her acting.

Steve Oerkfitz said...

I have no interest in Sally Field. A couple of decent movies. A godawful tv show. Meh.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Her childhood was an ongoing crime. That both repelled and interested me.

Todd Mason said...

Time management. As with novelists, the first chapters got the contract...and the final chapters were a hanging chore.