Thursday, October 30, 2008

Michigan Voting Rights

Don't Vote? Check this out:

For Michigan voters:

When In Doubt - VOTE
Voting Myths in Michigan Debunked
From the ACLU

Fact: You have the right to vote without a photo ID in Michigan.
Fact: You have the right to vote in Michigan if you are an ex-felon.
Fact: You have the right to vote if your home is in foreclosure.
Fact: You have the right to vote if you wear campaign gear to the
polls (but for the sake of inconvenience you should take it off first).
Fact: You h
ave the right to be free of intimidation or harassment at
the polls

The important thing is to VOTE!


Terrie Farley Moran said...

Hi Patti,

Good for you. The wort thing anyone can do is stand between a citizen and his right/obligation to vote.


Anonymous said...

Have you read this on Hill Buzz?
