Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Short Story Wednesday: "The Void" from NORMAL RULES DON'T APPLY by Kate Atkinson


 In "The Void," the first story in the collection, one family experiences five minute periods where people outside fall down dead. Those inside are untouched. And animals, except for insects and birds, go too. Of course, what makes Atkinson shine in a story like this one is how beautiful the writing is and how her two characters come to life so fully--even as they go to their death. I guess all of the stories in this collection will share elements like these. She never feels any need to explain it and I didn't need to know. Goody. What a talent for so many years now. 

Todd Mason

George Kelley 

Jerry House 


Monday, July 01, 2024

Monday, Monday


I saw THELMA with a bunch of my fellow senior citizens and enjoyed it. June Squibb should

have been a leading lady a long time ago because she can carry a movie. And Richard Roundtree, since died, was as gorgeous as ever. Lots of fun. Rewatched POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, which was better than I remembered. Also watching NORTHERN LIGHTS (Britbox, okay but not great), GRANTCHESTER, THE BEAR (HULU) THE LETDOWN, an Australian show on NETFLIX. 

Still working on HORSE. Can't really get into all the info about horse racing but some of the other strands are better. Megan talked me into buying ANGELS by Denis Johnson and I have to begin JAMES by Percival Everett for my second book group. Megan also sent me a collection of stories by Kate Atkinson. I think when I tell her I am reading HORSE week after week, she worries.

Going with Josh, Julie and Kevin at the end of the week to Stratford to see: LAS CAGES AUX FOLLES and SOMETHING'S ROTTEN. If I don't get an entry on MONDAY, MONDAY next week, I will at least post it for you guys to use.

I almost had a haiku published. The editor said I got three of the four votes I needed. So I will keep trying. Haiku is a funny thing. Some of the ones I read are so simple as to seem banal and other so complex they seem impenetrable. I think I am still not reading them correctly. I will have a story in DARK YONDER imminently. I will give you a link when I have one. I think sports fans will like this one as it deals with 1968 Pennsylvania sports teams. 

*Whoopy, I just had a haibun accepted. Seven hundred drafts apparently paid off. 

So what about you?